Sunday, May 19, 2013

I've been busy !

This blog has unfortunately been neglected as I've been busy !
A quick recap on what's been going on in the last couple of months....

 training with Lilija Michalikova in March
Nail Talk Radio broadcast on March 17
 Did some new designs in between.....


 FolkArt Level 3 & 4 Workshop

my student's work

2 weeks touring around France in April and took almost 2,000 pictures which I haven't had time to sort out yet....

Organizing the ONS International examination for Singapore & Malaysia on May 6

Followed by a 3Day Competition Training by Champions
and Odyssey Nail Festival Tour starting with KL on 17 May
and...ONS Nail Festival Singapore which is starting tomorrow.
and...the nails that I'm wearing now
Stay tuned for updates on my next post :)